Our story

People often become inspired by looking at completed works of art, paintings, or sculptures. We admire the beauty of finished work and the dedication it took to complete. The Workshoppe was founded out of a passion for creating beautiful, modern carpentry pieces.

 Twenty years in the making, my journey started with a simple bookcase; one my father wanted to display our model cars and other childhood memories. As a novice, adolescent shop "assistant," I provided an extra set of hands where I could but mostly watched him craft something from scratch. I was amazed that a small pile of wood screws and plywood turned slowly into a piece of furniture right in front of me. Since then, I’ve been dreaming of creating things, shaping wood and materials to fit what people need. Through experimentation, trial and error, and training, I've been able to refine my skills and creativity into a real passion. And now, I’m fortunate to share my passion and dreams with others, to inspire their spaces with my handcrafted pieces.

Our mission

The Workshoppe is more than a business. It’s a chance to collaborate with clients to bring their vision to life through woodworking and build something together that reflects style and art.